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Automate Tasks on Remote Hosts with SSH Quiet Mode

SSH Quiet Mode is a feature that allows users to reduce the amount of output from SSH commands. This can be useful for troubleshooting purposes, or if the user wants to use more minimal output when connecting to a remote server. With SSH Quiet Mode enabled, only important information, such as connection status and errors, will be displayed.

It’s easy to enable SSH Quiet Mode: simply use the -q flag when running the ssh command. For example, the following command will enable SSH Quiet Mode when connecting to a remote server:

ssh -q user@host

By default, SSH Quiet Mode is not enabled, and the user will receive full output from their SSH commands. However, it can be a useful feature in certain situations, as it allows the user to reduce the amount of output from SSH and focus on the most important information.

When SSH Quiet Mode is enabled, it is possible to customize the type of output that is displayed. This can be done by using additional flags in the ssh command. For example, the -v flag can be used to increase the verbosity of the output, and the -vv flag can be used to enable even more verbose output. The user can also use the -o flag to specify a custom configuration file with additional options.

By using these flags and options, the user can customize the output of their SSH commands to suit their needs. This flexibility allows users to tailor their SSH output and get the most out of their SSH experience.

SSH Quiet Command to Local File

The SSH Quiet Mode command allows users to check system information on Linux systems and output it to a local file. This is done by running the command ssh -q [user]@[host] [command] > [output_file]. This command allows for a quiet connection to a remote server and will output the result of the command to the provided output file.

SSH Quiet for loop

It is possible to create a bash script to enable SSH Quiet Mode for multiple servers. This can be done by using a for loop in bash, which will iterate through the list of servers and enable SSH Quiet Mode for each one. An example of this is shown below:


for host in $(< list_of_servers.txt); do
  ssh -q [user]@$host [command] > [output_file]

In this example, the for loop will iterate through each server in the list_of_servers.txt file and run the ssh -q command on each one. This will then run the command that you provide and output it to a local file on your system.

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