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command line interface

Is Windows Terminal a Shell?

TLDR: Windows Terminal is a tool that manages different command-line interfaces, compatible with Windows 10/11 and several shells like PowerShell, Command Prompt, and Linux distributions such as Ubuntu. It has many benefits, including customizable themes, multiple tabs, and integration with other tools and applications, making it a great option for… Read More »Is Windows Terminal a Shell?

Step-by-Step Guide For Using Basic Windows Commands For Automation

Windows commands can be used to automate various tasks and improve your productivity. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps of using Windows commands for automation. This guide is aimed at users who have prior knowledge of the command line interface and Windows operating system. Prerequisites Before… Read More »Step-by-Step Guide For Using Basic Windows Commands For Automation

10 things you should know about Vim

  • Vim
  • 3 min read

Vim is a highly configurable, modal text editor with a command line interface, syntax highlighting, code folding, support for multiple buffers and plugins, regular expression support, undo and redo functionality, macro recording, and many customization options.