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Make System Changes with Confidence Thanks to a Robust Rollback Plan

TLDR; A rollback plan is crucial to minimize downtime and prevent loss of data or revenue after a planned change. To create one, identify risks, establish checkpoints, create a plan, and communicate it to stakeholders. Best practices include testing, automating, and documenting the process. Measuring success involves reviewing, evaluating impact,… Read More »Make System Changes with Confidence Thanks to a Robust Rollback Plan

Art of Troubleshooting in IT: Isolate, Fix & Document

TLDR; Troubleshooting in IT is a key skill for tech system maintenance. It involves: prep (gather info, ID problem, define scope & prioritize tasks); isolate (eliminate potential causes, test assumptions); resolve (find & implement solution, verify); document (record problem & solution, update knowledge base, share info); prevent (ID root cause,… Read More »Art of Troubleshooting in IT: Isolate, Fix & Document