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Home ยป Dispelling the Mystery of Single- or Double Quotes in Bash

Dispelling the Mystery of Single- or Double Quotes in Bash


Are you curious about when to use single- or double quotes in bash? Do you need to know the requirements and dependencies for this to work? Look no further! In this blog, we’ll discuss the fundamentals of single- or double quotes in bash, provide examples and tips, and finish with a challenge to test your knowledge. So let’s get started!


Let’s use the example of the website If we want to echo the contents of, we can use single- or double quotes to enclose the URL, like so:

echo "<>"


echo '<>'

Surprisingly, the output of both of these commands is the same:

Tips and Examples for Increased Productivity

Here are 5 tips and examples for using single- or double quotes in bash for increased productivity:

  1. When using single- or double quotes with variables, it is important to enclose the variable in double quotes. For example, when using the variable $username with the command echo, you should use double quotes, like so: echo "Username: $username"
  2. When using single- or double quotes with commands, it is important to enclose the command in single quotes. For example, when using the command echo "<>", you should use single quotes, like so: echo 'echo "<>"'
  3. When using single- or double quotes with strings, you can use single quotes or double quotes. For example, when echoing the string Hello World, you can use either single quotes or double quotes, like so: echo 'Hello World' or echo "Hello World"
  4. When using single- or double quotes with arrays, you should use double quotes. For example, when using the array names=("John","Jane","Joe"), you should use double quotes, like so: echo "The names are: ${names[@]}"
  5. When using single- or double quotes with functions, you should use single quotes. For example, when using the function function greet { echo "Hello World" }, you should use single quotes, like so: echo 'function greet { echo "Hello World" }'


Now that you’ve learned the basics of single- or double quotes in bash, it’s time to test your knowledge. Can you identify when to use single- or double quotes in the following command: `echo “Hello $username”?

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