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Learn the Basics of Bash Commands

Bash is a popular shell used in Unix-based operating systems, including Linux and macOS. It’s important to have a good understanding of the basic bash commands. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to automate tasks, create scripts, and navigate the terminal with ease.

Basic Navigation

To get started with bash commands, let’s first focus on basic navigation. You’ll need to be able to navigate the file system, list files, and change directories. Here are some of the most useful commands:

pwd # shows the current working directory
ls # lists files in the current directory
cd [directory name] # changes the current directory to the specified directory

File Management

Once you’re able to navigate the file system, it’s time to learn how to manage files. Here are some of the most useful file management commands:

touch [file name] # creates a new file with the specified name
cp [source file] [destination file] # copies a file from the source to the destination
mv [source file] [destination file] # moves a file from the source to the destination
rm [file name] # deletes the specified file

Text Manipulation

The bash shell is also useful for text manipulation. Here are some of the most useful text manipulation commands:

grep [search term] [file name] # searches for the specified search term in the specified file
sort [file name] # sorts the specified file
cut -d [delimiter] -f [field number] [file name] # extracts the specified field from the specified file, using the specified delimiter

5 Tips for Effective Bash Usage

  1. Know the basics of file system navigation and terminal navigation.
  2. Practice using the commands until they become second nature.
  3. Use bash scripts to automate repetitive tasks.
  4. Use tab completion to save time typing commands.
  5. Read the manual pages (man [command]) to learn more about each command.


In this guide, we covered the basics of bash commands, including navigation, file management, and text manipulation. By following these tips and practicing regularly, you’ll soon become a pro at using the bash shell.

Next, you may want to read about more advanced bash commands, such as redirection, piping, and process management. To test your skills, try creating a bash script that automates a task you perform regularly.

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