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Home ยป Windows Terminal Keyboard Shortcuts for Managing Multiple Panes and Tabs

Windows Terminal Keyboard Shortcuts for Managing Multiple Panes and Tabs

Using keyboard shortcuts can help you work more efficiently in Windows Terminal. Here are some of the most commonly used shortcuts:

ActionShortcut Keys
Open a new Windows Terminal instanceCtrl + Shift + N
Open a new default profile tabCtrl + Shift + T
Open a new tab with a specific profile index (1-9)Ctrl + Shift + Number
Switch to tab 1-9Ctrl + Alt + Number
Switch to the next tabCtrl + Tab
Switch to the previous tabCtrl + Shift + Tab
Open the profile selection dropdown menuCtrl + Shift + Space
Open another instance of the current tabCtrl + Shift + D
Open another instance of the current paneAlt + Shift + D
Close the current tabCtrl + Shift + W
Copy the selected text/commandCtrl + C
Paste the selected text/commandCtrl + V
Open Windows Terminal Settings UICtrl + ,
Open default settings fileCtrl + Alt + ,
Open settings fileCtrl + Shift + ,
FindCtrl + Shift + F
Create/split a vertical paneAlt + Shift + +
Create/split a horizontal paneAlt + Shift + –
Resize the current pane upAlt + Shift + Up Arrow
Resize the current pane downAlt + Shift + Down Arrow
Resize the current pane leftAlt + Shift + Left Arrow
Resize the current pane rightAlt + Shift + Right Arrow
Open command paletteCtrl + Shift + P
Increase the font sizeCtrl + =
Decrease the font sizeCtrl + –
Reset the font size to the defaultCtrl + 0
Scroll up in the Windows TerminalCtrl + Shift + Up Arrow
Scroll down in the Windows TerminalCtrl + Shift + Down Arrow
Scroll up one pageCtrl + Shift + PgUp
Scroll down one pageCtrl + Shift + PgDn
Scroll to the top of historyCtrl + Shift + Home
Scroll to the bottom of historyCtrl + Shift + End
Move focus to one pane upAlt + Up Arrow
Move focus to one pane downAlt + Down Arrow
Move focus to one pane leftAlt + Left Arrow
Move focus to one pane rightAlt + Right Arrow
Move focus to the last used paneCtrl + Alt + Left Arrow
Toggle on/off High Visibility screen modeLeft Alt + Left Shift + PrtScn
Summon Quake modeWin + `
Toggle on/off fullscreen modeF11
Close the Windows Terminal (entire program)Alt + F4

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