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One-Liner Commands for Admins

Get Ready to Combine Commands

Are you an admin who loves the command line? Are you looking for a way to increase your productivity? Look no further! In this blog post, you will learn 10 Bash one-liners that combine multiple commands to help you work smarter, not harder.

It’s no secret that admins who are proficient in the command line can save time and energy. With Bash one-liners, you can do the work of multiple commands with just one line. This can be particularly useful for automating admin tasks. So, let’s dive right in!

Take Advantage of Syntax

Bash one-liners combine multiple commands into one line and make use of syntax elements such as pipes and redirectors to achieve the desired result. For example, the following Bash one-liner combines the whois command, the grep command, and the cut command to quickly get the creation date for a domain name:

whois | grep -i creation | cut -d ":" -f2

The output of this command will be 19-02-2020. Pretty impressive, right?

Leverage Loops

Bash one-liners can be even more powerful when you leverage loops. Loops are best used when you need to repeat a task multiple times. For example, if you needed to search a directory for all files ending in .txt, you might use the following one-liner:

for f in *.txt; do echo "Found $f"; done

The output of this command will be a list of all the .txt files found in the directory.

Create Output Files

Bash one-liners can also be used to create output files, which can be useful for logging tasks or saving the results of a command. For example, the following command combines the whois command and the tee command to create an output file called itvraag.txt:

whois | tee -a itvraag.txt

The output of this command will be a file containing the whois information for

Get Creative

Bash one-liners can be used to do all sorts of creative tasks. For example, the following command combines the echo command and the tr command to convert all text to uppercase:

echo "" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'

The output of this command will be ITVRAAG.NL.

Access Network Resources

Bash one-liners can also be used to access network resources. For example, the following command combines the ping command and the sleep command to ping a server every 10 seconds:

while true; do ping -c 1; sleep 10; done

The output of this command will be a continuous stream of ping information.

Put it All Together

Now you know some of the amazing things you can do with Bash one-liners. Here are five tips to help you get the most out of them:

  1. Utilize pipes and redirectors to link commands.
  2. Use loops to repeat tasks multiple times.
  3. Create output files for logging tasks or saving results.
  4. Get creative by combining multiple commands.
  5. Access network resources to quickly gather information.

Now it’s time to put your knowledge to the test! Try writing a Bash one-liner that combines the ls command and the grep command to search a directory for files containing the word itvraag.

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