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Home » Take Control of Your Text Files with the Less Command

Take Control of Your Text Files with the Less Command

The less command is a powerful tool for viewing and navigating through text files in a Linux environment. It’s often used as an alternative to the more command, which has a similar function but with fewer features. In this blog, we’ll take a deep dive into the less command, exploring its various options and use cases. We’ll also provide tips and tricks for power users and advanced users to get the most out of this versatile command.

Getting Started with the Less Command

The basic syntax for the less command is straightforward: simply type less followed by the file you want to view. For example, to view the contents of a file named example.txt, you would type less example.txt. This will open the file in the less viewer, allowing you to scroll through the contents using the up and down arrows on your keyboard.

less example.txt

Navigating Through a File

One of the key features of the less command is its ability to navigate through a file quickly and easily. Here are a few of the most useful commands for navigating through a file:

  • g: Go to the beginning of the file
  • G: Go to the end of the file
  • /: Search for a specific word or phrase
  • n: Repeat the last search
  • :n: Go to a specific line number

Customizing the Less Command

The less command is highly customizable, with a wide range of options that allow you to tailor its behavior to your needs. Here are a few examples of how you can customize the less command:

  • N: Display line numbers
  • R: Display color codes and ANSI escape sequences
  • S: Chop long lines
  • X: Do not clear the screen before exiting
less -N example.txt

Using Less in a Pipe

The less command can also be used in a pipe, allowing you to view the output of other commands in the less viewer. For example, you can use the ls command to list the contents of a directory, and then pipe the output to the less command to view the results in a more readable format.

ls -l | less

Tips and Tricks

  1. Use the g and G commands to quickly move to the beginning or end of a file.
  2. Use the / command to search for a specific word or phrase, and the n command to repeat the last search.
  3. Customize the less command with options like N to display line numbers, and R to display color codes and ANSI escape sequences.
  4. Use the less command in a pipe to view the output of other commands in a more readable format.
  5. Use the :n command to go to a specific line number.

In summary, the less command is a powerful tool for viewing and navigating through text files in a Linux environment. It offers a wide range of options for customizing its behavior, and can be used in a pipe to view the output of other commands. With the tips and tricks provided in this guide, power users and advanced users can get the most out of the less command.

More Examples

#Search for a specific word or phrase in a file and display the line numbers
less -N file.txt | grep -n ""

# View the last 10 lines of a log file, then search for a specific word or phrase, and display the line numbers
tail -n 10 logfile.log | less -N | grep -n ""

#View the contents of a file and highlight a specific word or phrase
less -R file.txt | grep --color ""

#View the contents of a file, then search for a specific word or phrase and display the line numbers and use color codes
less -NR file.txt | grep --color -n ""

#View the contents of multiple files, then search for a specific word or phrase and display the line numbers
cat file1.txt file2.txt | less -N | grep -n ""


Try using the less command in combination with other Linux commands and options to create a custom workflow that suits your needs. For example, you can use the grep command to filter the output of a command and then pipe it to the less command to view the results in a more readable format.

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