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Writing Batch Files That Stand the Test of Time: Using Comments to Document Changes

As an IT professional, you are no stranger to batch files. Batch files are scripts that automate tasks in Windows. Comments are an essential component of batch files. They help you and other IT professionals understand the purpose of the script and how it works. In this blog, we will… Read More »Writing Batch Files That Stand the Test of Time: Using Comments to Document Changes

Make System Changes with Confidence Thanks to a Robust Rollback Plan

TLDR; A rollback plan is crucial to minimize downtime and prevent loss of data or revenue after a planned change. To create one, identify risks, establish checkpoints, create a plan, and communicate it to stakeholders. Best practices include testing, automating, and documenting the process. Measuring success involves reviewing, evaluating impact,… Read More »Make System Changes with Confidence Thanks to a Robust Rollback Plan

Linux /etc Directory – Discover the Configuration Files & Structure

TLDR: The /etc directory in Linux is a critical component of the system, containing configuration files for the system and applications. In this blog, we will discuss the significance of the /etc directory, its structure, and the configuration files it contains. Additionally, we will look at some practical use-cases, tips… Read More »Linux /etc Directory – Discover the Configuration Files & Structure