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Home ยป What Are Hidden Files in Linux? Don’t Be Left in the Dark!

What Are Hidden Files in Linux? Don’t Be Left in the Dark!

Why Do Hidden Files Exist?

Hidden files in Linux are files or directories with a dot (.) added before their name. They store system settings and are hidden by default to avoid accidental deletion or modification. IT professionals must know how to work with hidden files to configure and customize their system without affecting system stability.

Basic Commands for Working with Hidden Files

Let’s start with some basic commands for working with hidden files in the command line:

ls -aList all files, including hidden files
mvMove or rename a file or directory
cpCopy a file or directory
rmRemove a file or directory
mkdirCreate a new directory
touchCreate a new file

For example, to list all files in the current directory, including hidden files, you can use the command ls -a. Similarly, to move a hidden file to a new directory, you can use the command mv .hiddenfile ~/newdirectory/.hiddenfile.

Advanced Commands for Working with Hidden Files

In addition to the basic commands, there are several advanced commands that can be used to work with hidden files:

findFind files and directories based on specific criteria
grepSearch for specific text within files
chmodChange permissions for a file or directory
chownChange the owner of a file or directory
tarCreate or extract compressed archives

For example, to find all hidden files with the .conf extension in the system, you can use the command find / -name ".*.conf" -print. Similarly, to search for a specific text string within a hidden file, you can use the command grep "text string" .hiddenfile.

Best Practices for Working with Hidden Files

Now that you know the basic and advanced commands, let’s go over some best practices for working with hidden files:

  1. Be cautious when using the rm command to remove files or directories, as it can permanently delete them without confirmation.
  2. Always make a backup copy of critical files and directories before making changes.
  3. Use descriptive filenames to avoid confusion and make it easier to locate files in the future.
  4. Avoid modifying system files and directories unless you are sure of what you are doing.

By following these best practices, you can avoid making mistakes and save yourself a lot of time and effort.

Examples for Hidden Files & Directories

ls -aList all hidden files in the current directory
find / -name “.*.conf” -printFind all hidden files with the .conf extension
cat .hiddenfileDisplay the contents of a hidden file
mv .hiddenfile ~/newdirectory/.hiddenfileMove a hidden file to a new directory
cp -r .hiddendirectory ~/newdirectoryCopy a hidden directory to a new location
chown username .hiddenfileChange the owner of a hidden file to a specific user
tar -czvf .hiddendirectory.tar.gz .hiddendirectoryCompress a hidden directory using tar
tar -xzvf .hiddendirectory.tar.gzExtract a hidden directory from a tar archive
grep “text string” .hiddenfileSearch for a specific text string within a file
chmod 755 .hiddenfileChange the permissions of a hidden file or directory
rm -rf .hiddenfileRemove a hidden file or directory (with caution)


Here are some frequently asked questions related to working with hidden files in the Linux command line:

What are hidden files in Linux?

In Linux, hidden files are files or directories whose names begin with a dot (.) and are not displayed by default when using the ls command.

How do I display hidden files in the command line?

You can display hidden files in the command line by using the ls -a command.

How do I create a hidden file in Linux?

To create a hidden file in Linux, simply add a dot (.) before the filename when creating a new file.

How do I edit a hidden file in the command line?

You can edit a hidden file in the command line by using a text editor such as nano, vim, or emacs.

Can I delete all hidden files at once?

Yes, you can delete all hidden files at once by using the command rm -r .*.

What are some best practices for managing hidden files?

Some best practices for managing hidden files include making a backup copy of critical files, using descriptive filenames, and avoiding modifying system files unless necessary.

How do I troubleshoot issues with hidden files in the command line?

To troubleshoot issues with hidden files in the command line, you can use the ls, find, and grep commands to locate and examine files and directories.

Are hidden files necessary for all Linux systems?

Hidden files are not necessary for all Linux systems, but they are commonly used to store configuration files and other system settings.


Working with hidden files in the Linux command line can be intimidating, but with the right knowledge and tools, you can master them in no time. By using the basic and advanced commands we’ve covered in this guide, following the best practices, and troubleshooting issues when necessary, you can work efficiently and confidently in the Linux command line. With these skills, you can take your IT career to the next level and become a true Linux pro.

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