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journalctl: The Swiss Army Knife of System Log Management

  • Linux
  • 4 min read

journalctl is a powerful tool for viewing and manipulating log files on a Linux system. It is an essential tool for system administrators, as it allows them to troubleshoot issues and monitor the health of their systems. In this blog, we will explore the many features of journalctl and show you how to use it to increase your productivity and efficiency as a system administrator.

What is journalctl?

journalctl is a command-line utility that is part of the systemd system and service manager. It allows you to view and manipulate the logs generated by the system and by individual services. journalctl uses the Journal daemon (journald) to collect, store, and manage logs, making it easier to access and analyze log data.

Key Features of journalctl

Some key features of journalctl include:

  • Viewing logs in real-time: journalctl allows you to view logs as they are being generated, using the -follow option.
  • Filtering logs by content: journalctl allows you to filter logs based on their content, using the -grep option. For example, you can use journalctl --grep "error" to view only log messages that contain the word “error”.
  • Filtering logs by source: journalctl allows you to filter logs based on their source, using the -unit option. For example, you can use journalctl --unit apache2 to view only log messages generated by the Apache web server.
  • Viewing logs from a specific time period: journalctl allows you to view logs from a specific time period, using the -since and -until options. For example, you can use journalctl --since "yesterday" --until "now" to view logs from the past 24 hours.

Examples of Using journalctl

Here are some examples of how you can use journalctl to increase your productivity and efficiency as a system administrator:

  1. Troubleshooting system issues: If you are experiencing problems with your system, you can use journalctl to view log messages and identify the source of the issue. For example, you can use journalctl -p err to view only error messages, or journalctl --unit kern to view only kernel log messages.
  2. Monitoring system performance: You can use journalctl to monitor the performance of your system and identify any potential issues. For example, you can use journalctl --follow to view log messages in real-time and monitor the system’s health.
  3. Debugging service issues: If you are experiencing problems with a specific service, you can use journalctl to view log messages generated by that service and identify the source of the issue. For example, you can use journalctl --unit apache2 to view log messages generated by the Apache web server.
  4. Auditing system activity: You can use journalctl to view log messages and audit the activity on your system. For example, you can use journalctl --since "yesterday" --until "now" to view log messages from the past 24 hours and see what actions were taken on the system.
  5. Automating tasks: You can use journalctl in combination with other tools, such as grep and sed, to automate tasks and create custom scripts to manage your system. For example, you can use journalctl | grep "error" | sed "s/error/ERROR/" to search for the word “error” in log messages and replace it with “ERROR”.

Surprising fact

One thing that many people don’t realize about journalctl is that it is not limited to viewing log files from the local system. You can also use it to view log files from remote systems, using the --host option. This is especially useful if you are responsible for managing multiple servers and need to view log files from all of them in a single place.

To view log files from a remote system, you need to have SSH access to the remote system and the systemd-journal-remote package installed. Then, you can use a command like this:


Key Points to Remember About journalctl

  • journalctl is a powerful tool for viewing and manipulating log files on a Linux system.
  • It allows you to filter logs based on their content, source, and time period.
  • You can use it to troubleshoot system issues, monitor system performance, debug service issues, audit system activity, and automate tasks.
  • You can also use it to view log files from remote systems.


Now that you have learned about the many features of journalctl, it’s time to test your knowledge with a challenge. Try using journalctl to view log messages from the past week that contain the word “error”, but only for the Apache web server.

journalctl --since "1 week ago" --until "now" --unit apache2 --grep "error"

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