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Maximize Your Efficiency with Brace Expansions in Bash

What Are Brace Expansions in Bash?

Brace expansions are a feature in the Bash shell (commonly used on Unix and Linux systems) that allow you to generate a list of items by specifying a range or set of items within curly braces. For example, if you wanted to create a list of directories named “dir1” through “dir10”, you could use the following brace expansion:

mkdir {dir1..dir10}

This would create the 10 directories in one command, saving you the time and effort of having to type out each directory name individually.

Surprising Fact

Did you know that brace expansions can also be used to generate strings with a common prefix or suffix? For example, the following expansion will create a list of files named “file1.txt”, “file2.txt”, and so on:

touch {file1..file10}.txt

This can be especially useful for renaming or organizing large groups of files at once.

Use Cases for Brace Expansions

There are countless ways to use brace expansions in your daily work in the terminal. Here are just a few examples:

  1. Creating multiple directories or files at once
  2. Renaming groups of files with a common prefix or suffix
  3. Generating lists of IP addresses or hostnames for testing or configuration
  4. Expanding variables in scripts or commands
  5. Generating lists of dates or times for use in scheduling or logging

Tips for Using Brace Expansions

  1. Use commas to specify multiple items within the same expansion: touch file1{a,b,c}.txt will create files named “file1a.txt”, “file1b.txt”, and “file1c.txt”.
  2. Use a range with a step value to skip certain items: touch file{1..10..2}.txt will create files named “file1.txt”, “file3.txt”, “file5.txt”, and so on.
  3. Use nested expansions to generate more complex lists: touch file{1..5}_{a..e}.txt will create files named “file1_a.txt”, “file1_b.txt”, “file1_c.txt”, and so on.
  4. Use backslashes to escape characters that may be interpreted as part of the expansion: touch file\{1..5\}.txt will create a single file named “file{1..5}.txt”.
  5. Use quotes to prevent the expansion from being interpreted by the shell: touch "file{1..5}.txt" will create a single file named “file{1..5}.txt”.


Try using brace expansions to create a list of directories named “dir1” through “dir10” and then create a series of files within each directory named “file1.txt” through “file5.txt”. The resulting file structure should look like this:


To complete this challenge, you will need to use a combination of brace expansions and looping. Here is one possible solution using a for loop and brace expansions:

for i in {1..10}; do
  mkdir "dir$i"
  touch "dir$i/file{1..5}.txt"

Key Takeaways

  • Brace expansions are a powerful tool in the Bash shell for generating lists of items
  • They can be used to create multiple directories or files at once, rename groups of files, and generate lists of IP addresses or hostnames
  • They can be combined with commas, ranges, and nested expansions to generate more complex lists
  • They can be escaped or quoted to prevent them from being interpreted by the shell

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