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Monitor System Security Easily with Logwatch

Linux Logwatch is a log analysis tool that provides a centralized view of all log data generated by various system components. It helps system administrators keep track of important events, troubleshoot issues, and monitor system security. In this article, we will discuss the basics of Logwatch, its usage, and some tips to make the most of it.


To follow this article, you should have a basic understanding of Linux systems and basic command-line usage. You should also have Logwatch installed on your system. If you do not have Logwatch installed, you can install it by running the following command:

# on Debian based distros
sudo apt install logwatch

# on Fedora based distros
sudo dnf install logwatch


Logwatch is a powerful log analysis tool that helps you keep track of the system logs generated by different components, such as the kernel, applications, and system services. Logwatch runs on a schedule, usually once a day, and generates reports that are sent to the system administrator. These reports provide an overview of system activity, including security events, system errors, and other important messages.


The Logwatch configuration file is located in /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf. You can modify this file to specify the log files you want to monitor, the level of detail you want to see in the reports, and the format of the reports.

Here is an example of a basic Logwatch configuration file:

# Logwatch configuration file

# The detail level of the logs to monitor
Detail = Low

# The format of the logwatch report
Output = mail

# The recipient of the logwatch report
MailTo =

# The log files to monitor
LogFile = /var/log/auth.log
LogFile = /var/log/syslog

Logwatch Usage

Once configured, you can run it by executing the following command:


This will generate a report that includes the logs from the log files specified in the configuration file. The report will contain a summary of system activity, including security events, system errors, and other important messages.

Logwatch Advanced Usage

You can specify the log files to monitor, the level of detail to include in the reports, and the format of the reports. You can also specify the time range to include in the reports and the type of messages to include.

Here is an example of a more advanced configuration file:

# Logwatch configuration file

# The detail level of the logs to monitor
Detail = Low

# The format of the logwatch report
Output = mail

# The recipient of the logwatch report
MailTo =

# The time range to include in the reports
Range = yesterday

# The type of messages to include
Service = All

# The log files to monitor
LogFile = /var/log/auth.log
LogFile = /var/log/syslog

With this configuration, a report is generated that includes logs from the specified log files for yesterday, including all types of messages.


To view a report using logwatch, you can use different options, such as:

logwatch --range today --detail high

Tips for Using Logwatch

  1. Keep the Logwatch configuration up to date: Regularly update the Logwatch configuration to reflect changes in the system, such as new log files or changes in the log format.
  2. Monitor log files for security events: Pay special attention to the security logs, such as /var/log/auth.log, and monitor them for unusual activity that may indicate a security breach.
  3. Automate the reporting process: Use cron or another scheduling tool to automate the Logwatch reporting process so that you receive regular reports without having to manually run the tool.
  4. Secure the reports: Store the Logwatch reports securely, such as on a encrypted disk, and limit access to the reports to authorized personnel only.
  5. Use filters to reduce report noise: Use filters to reduce the amount of noise in the reports and focus on the most important events.


Logwatch is a powerful log analysis tool that helps system administrators keep track of system activity, troubleshoot issues, and monitor security. By understanding the basics and its advanced features, you can use it effectively to improve the security and stability of your systems. To learn more about Logwatch, consider reading the official documentation or the man page.


Now that you have a good understanding of Logwatch, try creating a custom report that only includes logs from the last 7 days and only reports security events. Share your results in the comments section below!

Further Reading

If you enjoyed this article, consider reading more about Linux log analysis, such as the syslog protocol, logrotate, and centralized log management.

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