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30 git aliases for increased productivity

Here are 30 git aliases to increase your workflow productivity:

  1. “st” for “status”
  2. “co” for “checkout”
  3. “cm” for “commit -m”
  4. “pl” for “pull”
  5. “ps” for “push”
  6. “df” for “diff”
  7. “lg” for “log –graph”
  8. “br” for “branch
  9. “unstage” for “reset HEAD”
  10. “reset” for “reset –hard”
  11. “cancel” for “revert”
  12. “merge” for “merge –no-ff”
  13. “amend” for “commit –amend”
  14. “last” for “log -1 HEAD”
  15. “ls” for “ls-files”
  16. “count” for “shortlog -sn”
  17. “untracked” for “ls-files –other –exclude-standard”
  18. “ignore” for “update-index –assume-unchanged”
  19. “unignore” for “update-index –no-assume-unchanged”
  20. “history” for “log –all –oneline –graph”
  21. “summary” for “diff –stat”
  22. “long” for “log –pretty=fuller”
  23. “clean” for “clean -fd”
  24. “stash” for “stash save”
  25. “apply” for “stash apply”
  26. “pop” for “stash pop”
  27. “drop” for “stash drop”
  28. “list” for “stash list”
  29. “show” for “show –pretty=fuller”
  30. “changes” for “diff –name-only”

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